Lewis Grizzard
Food for thought...
In the United States, a pound of potato chips costs two hundred times more than a pound of potatoes.
Apples are more proficient at waking you up in the morning than coffee.
Only food that does not spoil? Honey.
The average ear of corn has eight-hundred
kernels arranged in sixteen rows.
Americans eat about 30 pounds of lettuce every year.
Hmm... Interesting, huh?!
Our vendors for Wednesday, July 31st include:
Dan the Baker
2Good Treats
Gluten Free You and Me
GoldenLife Dog Food
Hirsch Fruit Farm
Krazy Kraut
Kingdom Fish
Blue Jacket Dairy
Oh Lather Soap Works
Oink Moo Cluck
Pies by the Pie Man
Rhoads Farm
SaraBee Pure Honey
Speckled Hen Farm
The Brown and Blond Bakery
VanScoy Farms
Wayward Seed Farm
Our community organization: Enchanted Care Learning Center
Our musical entertainment: The Savory Chickens
Join us every Wednesday, May through September from 3:00-6:00PM!
Dublin Farmers' Market at Oakland Nursery
4261 West Dublin Granville Road
Dublin, Ohio 43017
For more information, or questions related to any of our services, please contact us via email at info@dublinfarmersmarket.com. See you at the market!